Russ Blakeman wrote:
> To others that are reading this I want to say that USPS has never broken or lost an
> item I've sent but twice now UPS in various metro areas has dropped them and
> irregardless of the packing involved has managed to ruin them and took FOREVER to
> settle.
Me too! After thousands of shipping transactions, I now discourage
would be shippers from using UPS and going with USPS. I've been doing
that now for several years, and still don't regret it. UPS has
absolutely _destroyed_ way too much of my *sturdy* break-resistant
merchandise for me to ever take seriously again. The reason they are
hard to get reimbursement from is that a claim that a package was
damaged is viewed as a claim of negligence against a union worker... Use
your imagination here...
Received on Wed Apr 08 1998 - 20:33:23 BST