Is this possible? (Storage) (Off-topic?)

From: Charles A. Davis <>
Date: Fri Apr 10 16:06:43 1998

Sam Ismail wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, Max Eskin wrote:
> > Sam, you have to understand that if people don't feel comfortable
> > asking questions on this list, even if they are irrelevant, they
> > won't ask anything at all. You can't intimidate people if you want
> > them to deal with you.
> How many times must this argument be re-hashed? You didn't join this list
> to discuss Star Trek, you joined it to discuss CLASSIC (ie. OLD, ANTIQUE,
> VINTAGE, OBSOLETE) computers.

Well Sam, that's EXACTLY what the question was about. True it wasn't
'Intel' chips, or an 'Atari (whatever)' but it was about computer

So --- chill out a bit. Take a vacation, whatever. Just stop trying to
justify some blathering on your part.


He, who will not reason, is a bigot;       William Drumond,
he, who cannot, is a fool;                  Scottish writer
and he, who dares not, is a slave.              (1585-1649)
While he that does, is a free man!          Joseph P. 1955-
Chuck Davis  /  Sutherlin Industries   FAX # (804) 799-0940
1973 Reeves Mill Road            E-Mail --
Sutherlin, Virginia 24594            Voice # (804) 799-5803
Received on Fri Apr 10 1998 - 16:06:43 BST

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