On Apr 13, 23:19, Tony Duell wrote:
> Seriously, I think you can justtify owning several of the same machine if
> the machines have expansion slots (like the Apple ][ or the PDP11) and
> you've got a lot of cards you want to play with. I'm pretty sure I've got
> far too many unibus cards (even with DB11 bus repeaters) for a single
> machine. And I wonder how useful 2 DX11's (I do mean DX11, not RX11) are
> on the same machine.
Isn't a DX11 an IBM channel interface? Originally a big cabinet with a lot of
flip chips and lamps? I've seen two, working.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Dept. of Computer Science
University of York
Received on Mon Apr 13 1998 - 17:47:07 BST