OT: Star Trek - Isolinear Storage

From: Adam Fritzler <afritz_at_iname.com>
Date: Thu Apr 16 00:31:51 1998

At 12:18 PM 4/12/98 -0700, you wrote:
>A few years back I read a facinating article on holographic storage systems.
>Where the medium was a 'slide sized' wafer and was recorded and read
>holographically using a laser beam. Being holographic in nature the denisty
>was way more then magnetic disc or CD. That was the closest that I've read to
>Star Trek like storage.

There was a nice feature in Scientific American a few years back about
holographic storage. Early 1995 i believe, possible 96.

( Adam Fritzler afritz_at_iname.com )
Received on Thu Apr 16 1998 - 00:31:51 BST

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