On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Greg Troutman wrote:
> Check out this entry I found on the web for a PAPERBACK book:
> -----------
> Programming the 6502 Computer by Zaks, Rodney Sybex, Berkely, CA 1978
> pbk near fine/ 305 p.8.5x5.3x.8 ISBN 0895880091 shelf wear otw clean
> tight bright no defects (Keywords: rodney zaks programming 6502 micro
> computer manual) The price of the book is US$ 153.00
> The seller is Bennie R Warden - Bookseller
> 39 S Alhambra , Port St Lucie, FL, U.S.A., 34952-2832.
> benwarden_at_earthlink.net. Ph: 561 878-9645. Terms of sale: Ten day
> Reserve by E-Mail or Telephone. Sorry, No Credit Cards at this
> -----------
> Fortunately, I got my copy for 25 cents at the Bargain Box a few years
> ago.
This is beyond outrageous. I regularly find these sorts of books, and
ones even older and more interesting, at used book stores, thrift stores
and flea markets. What is this person thinking? This is taking the
"computer as antique" thing a bit too far.
Sam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Don't blame me...I voted for Satan.
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[Last web page update: 04/13/98]
Received on Fri Apr 17 1998 - 09:05:04 BST