paper tape

From: Doug Coward <>
Date: Thu Apr 23 22:15:20 1998

 John Foust said:
>I just got 21 rolls of original yellow Teletype 1" tape from
>someone on the RTTY mailing list for the cost of shipping, and I
>promised to share the wealth, so ...

 Well, do you know if it's oiled or unoiled? I'm not sure but I think I
may need the oiled. I need to ask someone. My wife says that this tape I
have has the distinct smell of machine oil. It should make the punch block
last longer.
 I was just going to order a 1/4 case from Western Numerical Control
( That's 7 rolls for $33.00, in
all kinds of colors. And they are close by in Grass Valley,CA.
 I also want to ask them about the toxicity of paper tape. (My two
sheppards think everything is a toy for them to fight over.)
Doug Coward
Senior Software Engineer
Press Start Inc.

Museum of Personal Computing Machinery
Received on Thu Apr 23 1998 - 22:15:20 BST

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