Kip, is that magazine online anywhere? I haven't heard of it myself.
Sounds like you are refering us to a rather interesting read!
Hmmm... And Sam, you have an interesting thought. But I wonder actually how
many old systems you refer to are actually are still in use?
Anybody who's got a better handle on the present population of minis and
mainframes still in service want to give an opinion on this?
One drawback for me (maybe others here too): my wife will kill me if I drag
home a second or third big-iron machine ;-) We just moved into a new house
and I can say for sure that we are only _half-moved_ at the moment. The
other stuff yet to move is my collections, library, workshop, tools,
equipment, parts, stuff, etc, etc, etc.. I am tired and sore already.
Thank heaven the old and new house are only about a mile apart!
At 14:05 23-04-98 -0700, Kip wrote:
>At 09:27 4/23/98 -0700, Sam wrote:
>>I'm sure this is not even an original thought, but the Year 2000 presents
>>a special opportunity for collectors like us.
>See ANALYTICAL ENGINE Volume 1, Number 2, October 1993 ;-) If we think
>we've got a space crisis NOW....
>Kip Crosby
>Computer History Association of California
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Fri Apr 24 1998 - 10:08:10 BST