Here's an interesting spam

From: Hotze <>
Date: Fri Apr 24 11:49:07 1998

>> This is very off topic, but anyway: Write a letter to the government.
>Writing to *my* government isn't likely to do much good against most spam,
>which tends to originate from US sites. All the UK ISPs I know of have an
>anti-spam policy anyway.
You're right, but still, if the UK could pass a law to make spam illegal, it
would at least cause ripples to the US and every where else in the world.
>Not often a good idea, since the consensus seems to be that responses
>merely confirm that the address they used is (still) valid.
Four letter words. They do wonders with spammers.
>I hadn't thought about the free email account idea, but I'm not sure I want
>yet another account.
Sorry... I've only got two right now. And usually, I have one, but I had to
get one at Geocities as it's not ISP-dependant, and I'm moving to Guyana, so
during travel, I'll be suffeirng withdrawel from the Internet.
    Does anyone have a 386 portable somewhere stateside that I could buy?

Tim D. Hotze
>Pete Peter Turnbull
> Dept. of Computer Science
> University of York
Received on Fri Apr 24 1998 - 11:49:07 BST

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