Info on Teletek SBC-1

From: Richard A. Cini <>
Date: Sat Apr 25 17:23:43 1998

Hello, all:

    Does anyone have info on a Teletek SBC-1 Z80-based single-board
computer? Copyright is 1981. It's loaded except for RAM (from what I can
see). It has a Z80 CPU, PIO, SIO, and CTC. There are a couple of blank
sockets, and a TMM2016P-2 memory chip (a 2716??). It appears to be built on
a S-100 card.


Rich Cini/WUGNET
    <> (remove nospam_ to use)
    ClubWin! Charter Member (6)
    MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
Received on Sat Apr 25 1998 - 17:23:43 BST

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