Printer seen, DEC LP25

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Sun Apr 26 00:36:59 1998

On Sat, 25 Apr 1998, Bill/Carolyn Pechter wrote:

> > I was in my local Honda dealership the other day and they were using
> > old-assed DEC line-printers on their PC network (don't know which model).
> > I asked the guy about them and he basically said that yeah, they're as old
> > as the hills. But one started printing my invoice and I realized why they
> > kept them...they are FAST.
> I'd bet they're DEC LA120 serial RS232 terminal printers. These things
> replaced a ton of Teletypes and their main competition was TI 8xx models.

I think that is exactly correct.

> Were they DOT MATRIX? I'll bet they're not big old noisy line printers unless
> they're sound covered and about 4 feet tall.

Yes they were dot matrix. I always equated line printers with dot matrix
printers. Is there a difference?

Sam Alternate e-mail:
Don't blame me...I voted for Satan.

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Received on Sun Apr 26 1998 - 00:36:59 BST

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