HP Vectra networking (26 days OT)

From: Jason Willgruber <roblwill_at_usaor.net>
Date: Sun Dec 6 00:04:38 1998

This is about 26 days off-topic.

I have an old HP Vectra RS/25-c 386-25/1MB RAM, 100MB HD, 1.2 MB floppy.
(BIOS dated 1989). I"m trying to get it set up as a home server, but I
first need a few things:

-Setup software.
-Networking software compatible with the internal networking card (there"s a
plug next to the keyboard connector that looks like it wants to be connected
to some sort of network hub).
-An old Vectra keyboard? Can't get the numeric keypad to work on the
keyboard I have.
-Networking hardware (mainly a hub and network cards)

I have a copy of DR-DOS 7.x with networking extensions. Will this work with
the Vectra (haven"t installed it yet)? For one thing, I don"t even know if
there"s something in setup that enables/disables the network card. I"d like
to use the built-in card, since most of the networked computers will be
8086"s -286"s, and speed isn"t an issue.

                 -Jason Willgruber
                  ICQ#: 1730318
Received on Sun Dec 06 1998 - 00:04:38 GMT

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