On Wed, 9 Dec 1998, Tony Duell wrote:
> > > I've always wanted to know which machines have only a single instance
> > > represented on this list.
> Any other PERQ-fanatics here? Any model of PERQ, I am not expecting 3a or
> T4 owners to appear :-)
> What about the HH Tiger, Nascom, Gemini Galaxy, Philips P850, etc?
I know of someone with a Nascom-II, although I don't own one personally.
What I *do* have, though, is a Transdata Cx500. 2xDSDD 8", 64mb ram, Z80
CPU with a second Z80 on the floppy controller board doing who knows
what. I have yet to meet anyone else who has even *heard* of a Transdata
computer. [1]
I've also got all the bits, barring the case, of a HM Systems Minstrel-2,
complete with TurboDos manuals - S100-bus 80186 slave CPU cards, and all.
Was the Philips P850 the machine with 8" hard sectored disks? If so, I've
got some spare for any interested parties in the UK. [2]
[1] I believe they might have made terminals and paper-tape stuff too...
[2] Apologies to anyone else; although if what's written here is true,
you're all ankle-deep in classic machines anyway!
Simon Coombs simon_at_nenevr.demon.co.uk
Don't stand on ceremony; just bow low. CP/M - The once and future O/S!
Received on Wed Dec 09 1998 - 18:35:10 GMT