On Wed, 9 Dec 1998 22:33:52 -0600 (CST) "Richard W. Schauer"
<rws_at_eagle.ais.net> writes:
>- Wang OIS-60X word processing server and terminals. Z80.
>- CPT 8525 word processor. 8080.
>- NCR UNIX Tower. Don't know yet.
I have the 68010 version of this, *and* I have the OS install tape!
You are one of two people I know who has NCR hardware!
>- All sorts of Intel and Teradyne Multibus cards (8080, 8088, 8086,
>80188,80186, 80286), and a Microlink STD-145 card (8085, STD bus).
My NCR uses MultiBUS. I also have one of 3Com's 1st products:
A multibus ethernet adaptor! Now all I need is a TCP/IP stack,
heh heh!
>The biggest problem with oddball junk is doing something useful with
In the NCR case, this is definitely a problem . . .
>Most of the above are of somewhat limited utility to me because
>they're so obscure and hard to find stuff for (like the little cassettes
>cartridges for the Monroe).
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Received on Wed Dec 09 1998 - 22:26:17 GMT