HX20 (was: Re: Just bought this . . .)

From: Roger Merchberger <zmerch_at_30below.com>
Date: Thu Dec 10 18:25:47 1998

Once upon a midnight dreary, Tony Duell had spoken clearly:

>> They also had an Epson CX-20 handset coupler for $5 new in the box (plastic
>> wrap still on the device). Anybody want it for the cost plus shipping? Let
>> me know ASAP!
>IIRC, that's the modem for the HX20. It's a standard RS232 interface, of
>course, but if someone here has an HX20 and wants the 'right' modem, then
>this could be worth going for.

I just saw an HX-20 today! I was at a customer's house... he cannot talk
any longer and is wheelchair bound (he was hurt in a motor vehicle
accident). He used the HX-20 to print small notes on the paper-tape printer
(it sounds like a single-line dot-matrix printhead impact printer) and also
has a "Speech-Pak" that looks like it was made just for the Epson and uses
that to "talk" on.

Curiously enough, the text-to-speech capabilities of this machine sound
awfully close to the speech-sound pack I have for my CoCo's... methinks
it's based on the same chipset, as they're roughly the same era.

Another good use that shows "obsolete" doesn't exist if the application
*works*. :-)

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Received on Thu Dec 10 1998 - 18:25:47 GMT

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