Oral History Questions

From: Sam Ismail <dastar_at_ncal.verio.com>
Date: Thu Dec 10 18:57:58 1998

On Thu, 10 Dec 1998, Uncle Roger wrote:

> I have a chance to speak with the designers of some of the machines in my
> collection. But other than the basic "when was it intro'd, what are the
> specs, what did it cost" stuff, what should I ask? What sorts of stories,
> info, etc. should I be trying to preserve?

Which machines and what designers?

Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Always being hassled by the man.

                  Coming in 1999: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
                   See http://www.vintage.org/vcf for details!
                        [Last web site update: 12/07/98]
Received on Thu Dec 10 1998 - 18:57:58 GMT

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