> While looking through 1984 Bytes. I came across an ad for the computer
> used in the bedroom scene in "Wierd Science". It's the Memotech MTX512. It's
> a sleek black unit and appears to be based on the Z80A.
> Does anyone know anything about these?
Other people covered all of the technical details I know.
I kind of like the machine. (I haven't used one, just seen information on
the Web and the manual on my trip to Bletchley Park.) It's not extraordinary
(even for its time), but it is very well thought out and the parts (software
and hardware) fit together very nicely. There's lots of nice stuff in ROM
(including a debugger). I think the ROM has its own RAM space. (This is
pretty important for a debuger of any real power, I would say.) The company
tried to keep the total configurations reasonable, though they didn't
completely succeed (they offered a number of "combination" packages).
I don't know of any emulators, except one for the Mac that's not released
yet. See
for info on the emulator and lots of cool others (for the Mac only). See
for some pictures of the machine, some scanned ads, and information about
the (small number of) games that were sold.
-- Derek
Received on Tue Dec 15 1998 - 11:17:11 GMT