SOL feeding frenzy?

From: Kai Kaltenbach <>
Date: Tue Dec 15 12:29:27 1998

Hey Jim, is that the PT monitor I tried to trade you for, but you said you
were too attached to?



-----Original Message-----
From: James Willing []
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 1998 10:18 AM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: SOL feeding frenzy?

Ok... being somewhat bemused by the thoughts of a 'feeding frenzy', and
sadly short on $$ (as is all too common this time of year), and not
wanting to be accused of 'selling out' on eBay without offering to the
more civilized set first, and... (etc., etc., etc...)

Let's chuck another (yule) log into the flames and see how badly I get
scorched with this one... (quite the build up, eh?)

Deemed (reluctantly) surplus to the collection:
SOL-20, electronically restored and keyboard rebuilt
w/ P.T. 16kra memory card
- AND -
(so the eBay set does not feel left out)
*RARE* original Panasonic B/W TV/Monitor conversion from P.T. with
touch-plate power switch!
Not that I want to start a bidding war (or then again, why not?) so lets
say that it could be had for $600 plus shipping, with a possibility of
part/all trade for something similarly really cool!  (tho I could really
use the $$$)
Then, if the feeding frenzy really starts, folks can start openly bidding
up the "ham sandwich"!   B^}
"Call now!  This offer only good thru noon PST Friday, 18-December-1998
or while supplies last!  This offer may not be repeated!  Operators are
standing by!"
(quickly donning the flameproof 'Santa' suit)
The Computer Garage -
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Tue Dec 15 1998 - 12:29:27 GMT

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