> > On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, James Willing wrote:
> >
> > > Not that I want to start a bidding war (or then again, why not?) so lets
> > > say that it could be had for $600 plus shipping, with a possibility of
> Doug Yowza wrote:
> >
> > Speaking as a cheap bastard who would never pay this much for a Sol, I'd
> > like to see it offered on eBay just to see what it would fetch. The last
> > one I saw sell there brought $300, but it was non-working, and it was
On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Marvin wrote:
> As I recall, the first one I saw offered on eBay sold for somewhere around
> $750 or so. I talked to the gentleman who bought it, and his comment was
> that it was in mint condition, included peripherals like floppy disk drives,
> and complete documentation. Two things I remember about that auction: 1)
> Don't keep making bids throughout the whole bidding process as it only
> drives the price up (my inexperience <sigh>), and 2) the person who offered
> it for bid forgot to put a reserve price on it, and stated in an added note
> that he reserved the right not to sell it if he didn't get at least $25.00
> for the setup! He had bought this stuff new years ago.
You are both right about the two instances of a SOL auction, but
Marvin's recollection isn't quite accurate.
For the record:
Antique Processor Technology Computer Item #65230
Current bid $456.00
Auction ends Tue 09/02/97 12:58:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Seller swantola_at_mobius-inc.com (4) (registered user)
Current high bidder jerrysch_at_erols.com (36) star (registered user)
Number of bids made 25
Location of item Stamford, Ct.
Category Computers:Hardware:General
My first "Pre-PC" purchased new in 1977. This "Sol Terminal
Computer" is a complete working S-100 bus machine which runs a form
of CPM (TSA/OS). Machine uses twin Suggart 8" IBM format floppy
disks for source code input (BASIC or Assembler code). A 64x20
video monitor is used for a display and a cassette interface can be
used to input BASIC or Assembler source code as well. Parallel
printer port. Complete set of SOL manuals and 8"floppys included.
Buyer pays shipping.
On 08/25/97 at 12:41:28 PDT, seller added the following
***IMPORTANT NOTE: My reserve price of $24.95 was not placed in
thisauction dispite my efforts to enter it. I reserve the right to
refuse to sell this item unless the highest bid is at least $24.95.
Vintage/old Sol Terminal Computer. Item #27396567
Computers:Hardware:PC Systems
Currently $305.00
Quantity 1 # of bids 14
Location Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Ends 09/02/98 12:46:38 PDT
Seller kstumpf_at_unusual.on.ca (6)
High bid alexzogh (95) star
The Sol Terminal Computer designed by the Home Brew Computer Club
president Lee Felsinstien and was built by Processor Technology in 1976.
Does not work. No documentation. Exterior condition is very good,
especially the wooden side panels, Buyer pays for shipping in advance.
Also included is a complimentary copy of: A Guide to Collecting
Computers and Computer Collectibles: History, Practice, and Technique
Received on Tue Dec 15 1998 - 16:24:42 GMT
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