At 08:40 PM 14-12-98 -0800, Aaron Christopher Finney wrote:
>The first is about retro-computing on's main site:
Well I guess most DEC users will know who Bob Supnik is but perhaps not Max
Burnet. Max was one of the first Australian Digital employees and rose to
become General Manager (or some such title) for Australia. He was replaced
a couple of years later by a salesman (Max is a techie) but stayed with
Digital until his retirement a couple of years ago. Max is famous for his
museum of old Digital gear and at each Australian DECUS he would have an
exhibit of something of interest. The last one I recall was a PDP-9 still
in its shipping crate. It had gone (new) to New Zealand, never been opened
and Max got it shipped back something like 15 years later. Max is, apart
from being a nice guy, a member of the Australian DECUS NOP SIG (NOP =
Nostalgic and Obsolete Products). I've tried a couple of times to get him
to join this mailing list and as far as I know he hasn't (although he could
be lurking...).
Huw Davies | e-mail:
Information Technology Services | Phone: +61 3 9479 1550 Fax: +61 3 9479 1999
La Trobe University | "If God had wanted soccer played in the
Melbourne Australia 3083 | air, the sky would be painted green"
Received on Tue Dec 15 1998 - 16:47:27 GMT