At 12:14 PM 12/13/98 -0800, you wrote:
>So assuming you had, lets say, the Polymorphic Business plan, how would you
>put a value on it? While I don't know how many were made let alone still
Surely you realize that anything Sam doesn't have is worth $5 max, while
anything he has more than 2 of is worth thousands... 8^)
>more likely to be found in those areas than areas like, lets say, the
>Michigan Upper Pennisula (sp?.) So what is the difference in availability
>of something between the two areas? How would that affect the price (value)
>of a given item in the two areas?
It's not so much the item's location as it is the *buyer's* location. I go
to a fair number of antique shows (no computers yet) looking for Donald
Duck stuff. I also go to Disneyland a fair bit. I regularly see things
like buttons, flatware, stuffed animals for sale at shows for twice what
they are *currently* available for at the park.
Justification? The buyers aren't at Disneyland. They have the choice of
paying $20 for an stuffed Donald Duck that is marked $12 on the tag, or
buying a $50+ plane ticket and a $35+ Disneyland ticket to get the same
Similary, people who aren't here in the valley, or aren't able to spend all
day running around to thrift shops instead of working, are willing to pay a
little more. I live in San Francisco, which should be pretty good for
finding old computers, but I have to work for a living, and when I'm not
working, I spend my time with either my dad or my girlfriend (or both.)
So, what little free time I have available to me is usually the wee hours
in the morning, and the only place open is eBay.
Other people may have other reasons for not scouring 200 thrift shops/day:
physical challenges, location, lack of knowledge, etc. Also, some folks
may not be looking for something for the same reasons -- sure, we collect
'em, and may even play with 'em, but there are people out there who
actually *use* old computers (like someone's friend with the HX-20) and may
not even consider the fact that other people would consider them thrift
shop fodder.
So while the ideal thing to do is find your SOL's and Altairs at your
neighborhood garage sales or church bazaars for $5, not everyone is able to
do that.
Saying they're stupid because of it, or unreasonable, is unfair.
P.S., there are a lot of people out there who would think all of us insane
for spending any amount on old computers, not to mention filling our homes
and offices with them. Likewise, I've had people look at me strange when
I've admitted paying several dollars for a single clothing button, or
hundreds of dollars for some old toy. To some, my mother's prize Steinway
piano is no better than her old Baldwin Acrosonic, and would be just as
happy with the piano patch on their sound card.
Chaque a' son gout, the lady said as she kissed the cow. 8^)
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Tue Dec 15 1998 - 19:33:17 GMT