Sam Ismail wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Dec 1998, James Willing wrote:
> > On Wed, 16 Dec 1998, Marvin wrote:
> >
> > > As I told Sam, we sure are a generous group! I saw the collection at Moffet
> > > Field and in all seriousness, it sure was impressive. I heard somewhere
> > > that permanent facilities have been established. Do you know if this is
> > > true, and if so, when it will open to the public? That collection is a
> > > *must see* for anyone interested in the history of computing!
> >
> > Well... as I recall being stated during the VCF II tour (thanks again
> > Sam!), they were working the final details with NASA for the large
> > dirigible hanger near their temporary facillity.
> NASA sold (permanently loaned?) several acres of land in Mountain View to
> The Computer Museum History Center, so they will be gearing up to finally
> build a permanent museum that will open sometime in the middle of the next
> decade. It should be a pretty awesome facility once its all complete.
As much as I love old computers, I'd rather see that hangar restored
for its original purpose. I fell in love with airships _long_ before
I had the least interest in computers, my childhood home was under
the flight path between the Goodyear hangar in Inglewood and the Rose
Bowl in Pasadena -- to hell with staying indoors and watching that
silly parade on TV. In fact, I took my first programming course to
learn to work out engineering questions on the rigid airship designs
that I'm still playing with, it was pure coincidence that it was a
prerequisite or concurrent requirement for the calculus sequence I
also started that quarter (I was a mathematics major, after all).
Back in the late 70s when I was commuting along 101 between Los Altos
and Santa Clara it depressed me to see a building large enough to
have its own weather do nothing more than hold a handful of Navy P-3s
littering the floor. Unfortunately, it couldn't be used for the ones
I design anyway, as mine are lens-shaped rather than the traditional
cigar. But there are plenty of people playing with the old styles.
By the way, this is not totally off-topic -- I still have some of the
programs I used to let my TRS-80 chew on for days at a time working
out structural optimizations. And even some I used for renderings on
the Color Computer and the Tandy 2000. Once a couple of patents have
either succeded or failed, I'll make them available (shouldn't be
more than a couple of years now).
Ward Griffiths <> <>
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Received on Thu Dec 17 1998 - 00:26:01 GMT