Unix Files (was Re: Xerox

From: Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_mch20.sbs.de>
Date: Fri Dec 18 07:38:44 1998

> > Shure, every Unix program starts with the riddle how to read a
> > file, and whats in it. This is maybe one of the reasons why it
> > took such a long time until some level has been reached. And
> > why a X configuration is still some kind of lotto game.

> The Unix philosophy is simplicity. The filesystem is simple --
> everything's just a byte stream, but that doesn't mean that information
> can't be embedded into the file that describes its content. That's what
> "magic numbers" are all about. See file (1).

That's it so simple, that it's only a covered disk driver. From
an OS I want OS services for common jobs and common solutions
to avoide the millionth invention of the weel. Take the simple
Apple DOS and their relave files - Within Unix not even this
simple kind of optimization is available - From a _real_ OS
I like to have services like SAM/ISAM fileslibrary management
etc. not just stupid, slow and clumbsy byte streams - If you
do it to simple, you miss the chance of geting high level

> And what the heck does that have to do with X configuration? X may be
> big, cumbersome, and somewhat ugly, but don't blame Unix for that!

It just developed to the all-is-simple-and-therefore-every-
know-how-is-just-a-local-and-random Philosopy of Unix.

> ObCC: Does anybody remember a nice small GUI that came out for Unix around
> the same time as X? I think it was called MGR, or something like that.

Isn't there a Linux implementation ?


Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Fri Dec 18 1998 - 07:38:44 GMT

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