Another ~1960 computer kit

From: dave dameron <>
Date: Fri Dec 18 20:09:47 1998

At 06:47 PM 12/18/98 +0000, Tony wrote:
>Sounds interesting... I don't think I have the appropriate year of WW,
>though. I do have all the articles for the PE 'digical', which was a
>build-it-yourself-from-TTL 4-function calcualtor.

This sounds interesting. Is PE "Popular Electronics" or another mag.? I
assume it was in the 1970's, could you say what issues? Thanks,

It used successive
>addition for multiplication (and was thus slow as heck) and a diode
>matrix ROM for the control store. Needless to say it is rather interesting.
>How I wish we got projects like this in magazines today...

I quess you make up your own today.

Received on Fri Dec 18 1998 - 20:09:47 GMT

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