Weekend acqusitions and horny dilemmas...

From: James Willing <jimw_at_agora.rdrop.com>
Date: Mon Dec 21 12:25:36 1998

(...or should that be: "on the horns of a dilemma?")

A VERY good weekend, with the possble exception of the 'Digi-Comp' that
got away (at least for the present...)

Santa dropped a whole back seat full of assorted S-100 boards and such my
way (and I drive a Suburban, so I've got a BIG back seat!) Some assembled
units and a number of unassembled (!) kits, some still in the original

Now the dilemma: in trolling thru the garage archives (read that: rack
shelving) recently, I came across my collection of Cromemco games (on
paper tape) for Altair (or similar), Dazzler, D+7A, and joystick. All of
which I have in the collection except for the joystick. I've got the docs
on it, just not the physical unit... Until now...

And there you have the dilemma - the Cromemco joystick is one of the
(pristine) unassembled units that came in the stack! So now, do I follow
my initial thot of building/adapting a joystick to play the games, or warm
up the soldering iron and assemble the Cromemco unit? (which would
complete the original configuration)


And then there is the LOCI-2 and it's 'bed of nails' card reader...
(LOgarithmetic Computing Instrument I'm told)

...and the...

Heath H-10!!!

(hah!! I finally got one!)

All of these decisions just before I start my Christmas vacation...

The Computer Garage - http://www.rdrop.com/~jimw
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Received on Mon Dec 21 1998 - 12:25:36 GMT

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