Which MathCo for a 387SL

From: Jim Strickland <jim_at_calico.litterbox.com>
Date: Tue Dec 29 14:46:18 1998

> Okay, so it's a little new for the list...
> Next week I'm going to try and finally rebuild the 80386SL-based notebook
> that's been a pet project for a while. Since I'll have it open, I thought
> I might go ahead and install a math coprocessor. My only question is...
> which one?
> The 386SL was Intel's "notebook" CPU. Does it require a 387DX, 387SX, or
> something else altogether? If it's the 387SX, can I use a Cyrix FastMath,
> as I have a spare.
> Thanks...
> <<<John>>>

According to the websites I've found, the 386sl is a 386sx with power
management. This suggests that a 387sx - or your Cyrix - might be the
appropriate part.

the web site is at http://telecom.tbi.net/comphis.html. Intel, naturally,
has no information on the 386sl except about its year 2000 compatibility.

According to SupportTandy.com, their 386sl laptop takes a 387sx or sl
coprocessor, so I think I'm borne out here.
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat!  Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?
Received on Tue Dec 29 1998 - 14:46:18 GMT

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