OT, but info needed: RAM uprade

From: Pete Turnbull <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com>
Date: Tue Dec 29 19:25:27 1998

On Dec 29, 19:49, Roger Merchberger wrote:
> Subject: Re: OT, but info needed: RAM uprade
> Once upon a midnight dreary, Jason Willgruber had spoken clearly:
> >Last time I checked on it, Netscrape Communicator was somewhere around
> >in the stores,
> But *free* to download from the web. To purchase IE *all by itself* costs
> money, too. They can't print books / cd's, etc. for free.

> Netscape has not *always* been free. It was turned into free software in
> (IIRC) October or November of '97. Since then, if you got a stripped
> version, you *asked* for it (to save space) and all date-disabled
> of the software disappeared.

It was free for educational use (including home users) since at least 1994,
when I obtained version 2.something to replace the 1.01 that was on the
machine I was using then. IIRC, you were supposed to register it, but
there was no fee if you "signed" a declaration that you were in education.
 I remember that the download was a massive 2MB and I had to split it
across two floppies...

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Dept. of Computer Science
						University of York
Received on Tue Dec 29 1998 - 19:25:27 GMT

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