Shugart Model 801 (8 inch floppy)

From: Brett Crapser <>
Date: Thu Dec 31 16:04:16 1998

On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Bill Sudbrink wrote:
[Snip the oops]
> One diode was smashed.
> It was on of those little clear (glass?) diodes.
> Are those called zeeners or something that
> starts with "z"? Anyway, I didn't have a
> replacement, so I just removed the leads and
> left it at that. Later I decided to go ahead and
> try the drive, and it worked. If somebody has
> the schematics, the silkscreen next to where
> the diode was is "C1" (it is in one corner of the
> board).

If it has a C1 next to it you can bet it is a capacitor.
You should have rows of them on the card.

Is it is the one by the resistor and transistor?
Or the one by the two 'normal' looking capacitors on the other side?

There are way too many of them to be zener diodes.
And you should be able to pick out the 1N914 diodes.

It must be a cap as it did not affect the drive that much.

Received on Thu Dec 31 1998 - 16:04:16 GMT

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