C-64c probs

From: John Higginbotham <higginbo_at_netpath.net>
Date: Sun Feb 1 00:12:48 1998

I was playing around with the C-64c I picked up last month... It came with
a 1541 floppy...

I think I have a problem:

Turn on floppy
turn on C-64c
C-64c inits the drive (light blinks, then goes out)
insert disk
type LOAD "$",8
nothing happens, no drive light, no response from the 64.

What's going on here? Drive misalign? How do I realign? Bad drive? Bad cable?

Anyone have one or two extra 1541 floppy drives they want to sell?

-John Higginbotham-
Received on Sun Feb 01 1998 - 00:12:48 GMT

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