TRW Acquisitions, VCF

From: Allison J Parent <>
Date: Mon Feb 2 08:46:25 1998

< I'd like to get away from having to use a terminal. The only terminal
<I have are big HP things and I don't know if they would work with the
<Altair (too fast?, block mode instead of character mode?)

The hp thing would not work. Try and scrounge up a vt100 or other more
commonplace terminal vt100, vt220, heath/zenith h19, PC running Procomm
or other term program.

< I'm aware to the addresssing problems. Sounds like you have to
<re-address everything to match the program or else hack the programs to
<change all the device adresses, program loation etc.

That's putting it mildly. Some of the CUTS and tarbell format tapes
assumed you were using their monitor programs in rom. If you weren't,
zap, a whole lot of IO code was missing.

< I have a NS disk controller. I don't know if it has a IPL or how that
<has to be done. The manual I have doesn't say. I also need to find a
<Shugart SA 400 to go with NS controller. I know other drives are
<electrically compatable with the SA 400 but I don't know if the track
<spacing and other physical parameters are the same or not. If the physic
<parameters aren't the same then the media would not be compatable.

First you don't have the software manual or the hardware manuals as they
do explain that. The NS* controller has a minimal boot as part of the
hardware. If it's the single density controller it will work with an
8080, however if it's the later double density controller a z80 at 4mhz
is a must. The NS* OS has an area that must be configured to match the
IO in your system if it is not it will boot and hang. As to the disk your
not locked to the sa400 there are hundres of different drives that will
work. Sa400 was 35 tracks 48tpi single sided, any single sided drive
other than a few oddballs will be 48tpi. Most older 360k full or half
height drives will work as well despite being two sided.

< This is an 8080 machine. Will it run CPM? I thought that was for Z80s

Go back and read up on history. CP/M-80 ran on all 8080 systems with
a miimum of 20k ram starting at 0000h, a floopy disk system and some
kind ot terminal.

< Yes, I know. Bill Gates first commercial product.

First commercial hack done using borrowed time on his employers cpu.
Oh, he wan't that good it was Gates and Allen.

Received on Mon Feb 02 1998 - 08:46:25 GMT

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