VAXStation 2000 start-up questions

From: will emerson <>
Date: Mon Feb 2 22:11:50 1998

Stretching both brain cells, here, as memory (doesn't usually) serve(s)
me, I think
just typing a B to the prompt would do it, or B <bootstrap device> such
B CSA0 ,,, Allison'd probably know better on this...


Seth J. Morabito wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> I have just found myself the proud owner of a VAXStation 2000.
> The system came complete with two external RD53 drives,
> one TK50-Z tape system, a 19" mono monitor, keyboard, and
> mouse.
> Unfortunately, I must plead ignorance about almost all things
> VAX-related. I've looked high and low in the FAQs, but can't
> find answers to my questions, so please forgive me if my
> problem seems somewhat rudimentary or downright stupid.
> The current configuration is this: VAXStation, connected
> to one of the two RD53s with the 50-pin SCSI connector, and
> the TK50-Z, connected to the VAXStation through Centronics
> I power on the tape first, then the RD53, then the VAX.
> When I power up the system, the monitor comes to life, and
> displays the following:
> KA410-A V1.2
> F...E...D...C...B...A...9...8...7...6...5...4_..3_..2_..1?..
> ? 7 0090 7330.7331
> ?? 1 00C0 0000.7004
> >>>_
> That's where it stops. The "Hold Screen", "Lock", "Compose",
> and "Wait" lights on the keyboard are lit, and don't go off.
> I cannot type at the >>>_ prompt. It just sits and mocks
> me :)
> I have absolutely no documentation on this system whatsoever.
> All I know is that the disks contain a VMS build, but I don't
> even know what version.
> Could some kind soul with access to better documentation explain
> what the diagnostic boot-up codes mean, in this case?
> I think I will bite the bullet and order the DEC service
> manuals. Though it seems somewhat silly to pay $100 for
> manuals for a $50 system :) In the meantime, help from anyone
> here would be greatly appreciated.
> -Seth
Received on Mon Feb 02 1998 - 22:11:50 GMT

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