MS (later SCO {still MS licensed}) XENIX was designed and ran on i86
hardware. There was a version for the 8086, 80286 and 80386 before they
merged into Sys V compatibility.
They also had versions for M68k platforms, the best of which was a
System III which ran on the Tandy 6000, an excellent platform.
Xenix in its many manifestations was probably THE best Unix ever on a
PC. The only difference nowadays is the ability of the Free Unixen to
run the X Window System. Xenix is about as bullet proof as an M1 tank.
I don't know that there were ever releases of Win NT, called Win NT
before 3.0/3.1 I believe they picked up the #s on the market due to
Windows being in versions 3.0 and 3.1 at the time..... that could just
be a rumor, though.
NT is a marginal OS but no where near as standard and portable as Free
Unix. Also, the window system on NT is too close to the OS unlike X
which is merely another process...
That's my view....
-Mike Allison
Max Eskin wrote:
> First of all, did MS Xenix run on PC hardware?
> Secondly, was there ever a Windows NT 1.0 and 2.0? How did they compare
> to a cheap version of UNIX?
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Received on Wed Feb 04 1998 - 16:51:15 GMT