>Organization: The University of Huddersfield HEC
>Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 17:08:31 +0100
>Subject: Past Computer Manufacturers
>From: "P.ATKINSON" <sdespa_at_pegasus.hud.ac.uk>
>I am currently working on a paper looking at the development of the
>designed form of the office computer, and to that end am trying to
>find out if certain computer manufacturers still exist or if not, what
>happened to them. If anyone has any idea I would be grateful, as I
>have to try to contact them in order to obtain copyright clearance.
>The companies concerned are:
>Lear Siegler (Data Dynamics)
>Hope someone can help
[and if anybody can, we can.... ;-) -- kc]
>Paul Atkinson
Kip Crosby engine_at_chac.org
Computer History Association of California
Received on Wed Feb 11 1998 - 12:17:58 GMT