Apricot F1 - help, please!

From: Andrew Davie <adavie_at_mad.scientist.com>
Date: Thu Feb 12 05:46:29 1998

Having just obtained a 1984 Apricot F1 computer (and a lovely looking
machine they are!) I find I can only get to the ROM boot stage. Onscreen, I
have Aprictot F1, a floppy icon, a chip icon, a hand pointing down, an arrow
pointing up, and thats about it. The arrow and hand are flashing.
When I place disks in the drive, it spins for a bit and places an X and a
number on the screen. Numbers I've seen are 4, 8 and 99. So... any proud
Apricot owners out there who can help me out? I'd love to see this one go.
The keyboard, by the way, is infra red - and working just fine. The mouse
(I don't have one - its shown in the manuals) is actually a handheld
trackball - that is, you spin it with your fingers - and its the size of
mmmh.... well I guess a bread roll is a good approximation. Neat.
I'll do an image of it if there is any interest.
Any help appreciated.
Received on Thu Feb 12 1998 - 05:46:29 GMT

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