This web site is probably only relevant to the PC Apricots.
There is info on older stuff like the F10 at:
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Davie <>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Friday, 13 February 1998 17:42
Subject: Re: Apricot F1 - help, please!
>A lot of scouting around ( is no longer active) dug up
>following, which is particularly useful - in particular, looks
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Tony Duell <>
>To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
>Date: Friday, February 13, 1998 1:50 PM
>Subject: Re: Apricot F1 - help, please!
>>> Amazingly enough, there is a ton (relatively) of F1 stuff on Apricot's
>>> web site file library...
>>Do you happen to have the URL for that ?
>>> Kai
Received on Fri Feb 13 1998 - 01:43:03 GMT