On 13 Feb 98 at 11:54, Tim Shoppa wrote:
> > I also have an Apple II Duodisk, which unlike the II fdd s has a
> > DB25 pin female connector.
> Did you actually count the number of pins? All the Duodisks I've
> ever seen have a 19-pin connector.
> > Were these for the GS or did Apple
> > simply upgrade the disk connections with the + or A-3. would it
> > work on a II with an adapter ?
> Yes. See, for example,
> http://www.visi.com/~nathan/a2/faq/diskiicable.html
> to find David Empson's *extremely* detailed writeup on making such
> a cable.
> Tim. (shoppa_at_triumf.ca)
I carefully counted the pin recepticles and there were indeed 25.
Could this have been some sort of mod.? I checked out the URL
mentioned and it is for 19 pins and he states it is also applicable
for the Duodisk. The model # is A9M0108 ser# 392135. Very
ciao larry
Received on Thu Feb 12 1998 - 11:05:23 GMT