Anyone want a Cray

From: William Donzelli <>
Date: Tue Feb 17 19:46:33 1998

> How often do these come up for sale? A Cray, about 6 or 7 years old,
> apparntly, is being sold in Australia. They're asking $100,000, which
> puts it a tad out of my range. :) However, if it isn't sold it will be
> scrapped - I wonder if they will accept a couple of cartons of beer over
> whatever the scrap offer is?

Unless they find a sucker, they are going to get a couple thousand for it.

What kind is it? That make a big difference. If it is a Y/MP-EL, it is
probably worth about $50 in scrap.

William Donzelli
Received on Tue Feb 17 1998 - 19:46:33 GMT

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