Tony Duell wrote:
> >
> > At 10:07 PM 2/18/98 -0800, you wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >Ever see the 'Plotter' they had? The paper was a roll like is used in cash
> > >registers, and it had 4 miniature ball point pens. Now that was a lame
> > >printer.
> >
> > Is that the same plotter that Radio Shack sold? I think it was a
> > CGP-115? I added NiCad batterie sto one and interfaced it to my HP-41
> > using the HP-IL, pretty neat. I think I still have one around here somewhere.
> The Commodore one was the 1520 AFIAK (I have the service manual
> upstairs...), but the same mechanism (with different electronics) went
> into the CGP115 from Tandy, the Oric printer, and probably a few others.
> There was a narrower (2", maybe a little more) that went onto the Sharp
> PC1500 calculator.
> There's a design fault IMHO. The plastic pinion on the stepper motor
> spindle is force-fitted, and it cracks and slips. _All_ the plotters I
> have like this have suffered from this on at least one axis. Alas the
> parts list for the mechanism doesn't list the pinion separately, only
> with the motor. And I've not (yet) found a supplier of replacements.
> Sometimes enlarging the central hole so that it's a sliding fit on the
> spindle with the crack closed and using iso-cyano acrylic
> hydro-copolymerising adhesive to fix it will work.
> >
> > Joe
> >
> >
> >
> -tony
Hi Tony:
Being a Model Railroad nut, in addition to messing with computers. And
since the model railroad hobby quite often gets int 'gearing' problems,
take a look here. No guaranty
He, who will not reason, is a bigot; William Drumond,
he, who cannot, is a fool; Scottish writer
and he, who dares not, is a slave. (1585-1649)
While he that does, is a free man! Joseph P. 1955-
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Received on Thu Feb 19 1998 - 19:48:23 GMT