TRS-80 Model II

From: Lawrence Walker <>
Date: Wed Feb 18 01:20:13 1998

On 18 Feb 98 at 18:47, Joe wrote:

> At 10:55 AM 2/17/98 +0000, you wrote:
> > I've searched the world web over ,but never did I find......
> >There seems to be a lot of info on Mods. 1,3,100,Coco etc. but nada
> >on this beast. Any sites I might have missed ? Merch , Cord ?
> > What I have is a TRS Model II with 1 internal 8' fdd and 1 external
> >fdd , 3 humungous 5Meg hdd ( about the size of a large XT)
> Is that the same hard drive that's used for the model 4? I passed up two
> of them this weekend at a hamfest. I found one of them in the trash
> afterwards. I going to grab it but they took the front switch panel, fan
> and circuit board so I didn't bother. I know who has the second one if
> anyone is seriously interested in it. He also has a model four for sale.
> The stuff would be cheap but don't expect him to pack and ship it for nothing.
> Joe
Don't have a clue . These are big( in size)drives, 8 megs each. They
have a key that turns power on, 2 buttons labelled ACTIVE and
PROTECT,and a label saying TRS-80 8 meg drive system.It has a fan
and AC socket
  From a faq I have from Tandy it's possible they could be used on
other models.

ciao larry
Received on Wed Feb 18 1998 - 01:20:13 GMT

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