Found a decent use for a PC...

From: <(>
Date: Mon Feb 23 09:41:23 1998

> >They'd be extremely handy as a diagnostic tool, especially when there's
> a
> >problem with a video card or memory, and instead of having to count a
> >bunch of stupid beeps to determine what the error code is, you can just
> >read it off the front panel.
> >
> >Those front panels had value that was overlooked when the modern
> machines
> >were ushered in.
> I wouldn't say that! Some of the PS/2s, A popular WYSE 286 machine and
> so one have had LCD diagnostic panels
Add this:
Early high end Dell series (I think!) had this dot matix that glows
yellow and rare motherboards that had POST display built in.
Most of time these devices have limited value beside usual 'easy'
failures for POST stuff to detect and often POST cards and bios
built in post does miss rare unusual failures. I have one that
passed 100% but unexplained failures. Used a expensive diagnostic
tool by Ultra-X called Post Hardware Diagnostic 16 with it's special
bios in place of original bios, was able to find bad IRQ 1 on chipset
itself on first try.

Jason D.

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Pero, Jason D.
Received on Mon Feb 23 1998 - 09:41:23 GMT

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