What would be nice is an ELKS-like thing for DOS, so that one could
stick in a floppy disk, and it would boot into any program that you
choose, without Command.Com. This would be great for web browsers.
But I really don't get this emphasis on making multimedia kiosks with
weird software combos! Every other OS page is about this, and I would
like to see something besides using DOS to sell clothes...
>>QNX is a very small micro-kernel OS that has the look of Windows 95,
>>builtin TCP/IP networking, a notepad, a few other little doodads, and
>>top it off, a fully functional HTML 3.2 compliant web browser. Also
>Okay, QNX sounds pretty cool, but I hafta throw my vote in for Arachne.
>Graphical DOS web browser runs on anything, I think, and works great.
>found it when I was looking for something to preview my web pages in (I
>'em in a DOS Editor).
>Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
>roger_at_sinasohn.com that none but madmen
>Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
>San Francisco, California
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Received on Wed Feb 25 1998 - 16:52:43 GMT