Last night, I was mucking around eBay (don't ask me why, I'm so broke I
can't pay attention) and spotted an AirMedia "NewsCatcher Internet
Antenna!" with a starting bid of $5 and no bids. So I put in a bid of $5.
I'm not worried about whether or not I'm the high bidder when all is said
and done, but it did get me thinking.
I've got a Ricochet modem (Yeah!), there's this thing, I know there was
another PCMCIA card thing that did wireless connectivity... Probably
others I'm not aware of.
IIRC, one of the features of Alan Kay's (proposed) Dynabook was that
whereever you went, (school, office, library, etc.) the computer would be
aware of what resources were available at that facility and would be able
to access them wirelessly.
As I see it, we're going to get to a point somewhere down the line where
Alan Kay's idea will come true -- except that instead of just being able to
access local resources, you'll be able to access the 'net from just about
anywhere, wirelessly. This will all be built in to laptops.
So it occurs to me that these first, early attempts at wireless
connectivity are important milestones, and are worth collecting now (or in
the near future when they become affordable).
I guess, then, my question is, does anyone have any suggestions as to what
else may fall into this category? Feel free to e-mail me directly...
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Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Wed Feb 25 1998 - 20:28:17 GMT