Pretty good week (Where to find stuff)

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Fri Feb 27 00:21:55 1998

On Thu, 26 Feb 1998, Dan Stephans II wrote:

> Better question is where they FIND them, I have plenty of room and my wife is
> mostly understanding. Well, in the way that an antelope understands linear
> algebra anyway.

I believe there is a section of the FAQ that outlines good places to find
stuff, but here's a quick run-down of places:

Thrift Stores
Swap Meets/Flea Markets/Ham Fests
Garage Sales
Electronics Surplus Stores
Scrap yards
Computer recycling centers (usually found in larger cities)...ask them for
 the old crap they don't intend on putting back into schools, usually they
 only want anything that can run Windows 3.1 and above; anything else they
Usenet groups:
 ...many others (next, dec, cdc...)
 local forsale newsgroups
Ask around*
Post ads in your local "penny saver" saying something to the effect of: "I
 want to buy your old computers! CP/M, S-100, 70s & 80s micros & minis"

* A lot of times in talking to business associates I somehow manage to
turn the conversation to my hobby of collecting old computers. I
sometimes get stuff from people who go, "Oh, I have a XXX that I want to
get rid of." I recently picked-up a mid-80s NCR all-in-one PC for free
from the manager of my bank by this very scenario! Its happened a few
other times as well. Then they of course tell their friends and all of a
sudden you've got people calling you asking you if you want such-n-such a

Good luck!

Sam Alternate e-mail:
Computer Historian, Programmer, Musician, Philosopher, Athlete, Writer, Jackass

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Received on Fri Feb 27 1998 - 00:21:55 GMT

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