"Zane H. Healy" <healyzh_at_ix.netcom.com> wrote:
>>I've got one in the basement... six-seven years ago, I even had it
>>fired up over DECnet, talking to Macs and Amigas over Ethernet.
>>Haven't gotten around to documenting it for my web page, though.
>Ah, what does it take to get it talking to Mac's and Amiga's? I'm assuming
>if this can be done for the DEC Pro 350, I can do something simular with
>the 11/73 or a VAX.
Well, it takes DECnet networking software. For a while, my company made
and sold a version of DECnet for the Amiga, a licensed port of the
Mac DECnet called TSSnet from Thursby Software <
I don't even have a copy any more, and I've long forgotten how to
use it. You might be able to find a used copy. Don't even bother
to ask Thursby for an Amiga version.
- John
Jefferson Computer Museum <
Received on Mon Jan 12 1998 - 08:29:38 GMT