DEC Stuff

From: Joe <>
Date: Sat Jan 17 08:05:47 1998


  Thanks for the info. Here's more.

At 01:10 AM 1/17/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi, Joe. Let's see if I can help you ID your goodies...
>>They're all full height 5 1/4" drives and they weigh a ton. The first one
>>is marked "digital RZ55" and has a sticker that says "1041080-08-9" and it
>>appears to have a SCSI interface.
> Correct. This is a 330 MB drive. The RZ56 was a 700 or so, and the RZ57
>was a 1 gigger. They're all SCSI, generally found on the VAXStation or
>DECStation line of systems. If you absolutely have to, they should be
>usable on PCs with a low-level format.

   Doesn't sound very useful on a PC. I have two of each drive. If anyone
has need for them for an old DEC, let me know. You can swap me something
for them. Allison gets first shot since SHE has allready mentioned that
SHE can use them. One of the Rd-54s has a paper tag that says "MVE 11A
VMS 5.4.2 ACSIM". Does that sound useful to anyone? Of course, it may not
still be one thre, but it probably is.

>>The second one appears to have a ST-506 interface and is a Maxtor drive
>and is marked >"RD54-A" and "30-26245-01" and "RQDX 3".
> This is a 170 meg MFM drive, intended for use in the MicroPDP or MicroVAX
>lines, or any other DEC system using an RQDX3 controller. It is the same as
>a Maxtor XT2190.
> The LK201 is the standard DEC keyboard for just about everything from
>their VT220 terminals to the MicroVAX, VAXStation, and DECStation line.
> The numbers you're reading off for the boards don't make any sense. DEC
>numbers are typically a single letter, usually M, followed by four digits.
>Look on the ejector handles and the card bracket. If the board was not made
>by DEC, it may not have this marking.

    I can't find any number that starts with M. One card is marked " L P W
R digital GS-2 34888-4909" across the top edge. The second card is
marked " L P W R digital GS-2 03789-6028" across the top edge. But
both cards look the same. The other number is on a paper label. They have
a LOT of ICs on them marked "TC511000AJ-10". And there is a VERY large IC
near the center of the board. There is also a red and yellow LED on the
top edge.

>Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fidonet 1:343/272)
>(Hamateur: WD6EOS) (E-mail:
>"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our own
>human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
Received on Sat Jan 17 1998 - 08:05:47 GMT

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