
From: Max Eskin <>
Date: Sat Jan 17 13:35:34 1998

A while ago, I mentioned that I had a DECMate III, the one without
the hard drive. It has two DECWrite manuals, a disk set for the same,
and miscellaneous incompatible junk (like Windows 1.0 for the Rainbow)
Could anyone tell me what OS I can use on this, where I can get it,
and how to install it. The DEC is not at my house, and any mistake will
last me at least a week until I can go back to it. Also, a short essay
on the OS wouldn't hurt. A supplementary question: how do I get PPP on
Yet another question: what are the power requirements of an IBM

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Received on Sat Jan 17 1998 - 13:35:34 GMT

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