PDP-8/Es available [NOT!]

From: Wirehead Prime <wirehead_at_retrocomputing.com>
Date: Sat Jan 24 22:45:37 1998

> > Yeah, it's off-topic...but it's kind of not...we're talking about the
> > kinds of attitudes that lead people to collect computers. Who knows?
> No you're not. For the past 5 postings you've been talking about
> yourself, your wife, your job, and your attitudes on drugs and pre-marital
> sex. Now what the hell does that have to do with how you got into
> collecting computers?

I've been talking about how my hobby of collecting computers has made my
life better so Mr. Seagrave would have positive things to tell his
parents so they might hopefully take a more positive stance toward his
collecting computers. Why don't you get off my back??? :(

Anthony Clifton - Wirehead
Received on Sat Jan 24 1998 - 22:45:37 GMT

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