Development, round II

From: John Rollins <>
Date: Tue Jan 27 13:43:15 1998

>REXX on a PC? I think I have heard (very dimly) of this (there was
>something called REXX-88 or some such name when I was at IBM) but I
>haven't used REXX for years! What does it run on? Will it run on a
>Compaq 386? An IBM AT?
You can probably find REXX in a lot of places... There's even a shareware
version on Macintosh. And if there's an old IBM programming language on a
Mac, it's almost definitley on a lot of other platforms. Did REXX start on
the IBM mini/mainframes or is it from somewhere else? Has anyone seen a
copy of Cobol for Mac? MicroFocus used to make it, but it seems the Cobol
crowd has abondoned Macintosh...

Received on Tue Jan 27 1998 - 13:43:15 GMT

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