What I did this weekend

From: Ward Donald Griffiths III <gram_at_cnct.com>
Date: Fri Jan 30 01:39:19 1998

Bill Richman wrote:
> Have you ever seen a Zenith "MiniSport"? Uses 2" floppies? I found
> one at a junk sale one time and probably paid way too much for it just
> because of the cute little floppy drive. It's also got DOS in
> built-in memory, so it boots instantly. I've never seen one anywhere

I was doing tech support (Xenix/Unix) for a retail operation when
they first showed up. Cute little things. Good luck finding media.
(They _do_ work with Laplink & such. So if you can get Laplink to
do its upload and you've got at least one disk, you can probably
(don't count on it, but probably) attach a parallel Zip drive).
Ward Griffiths
Dylan:  How many years must some people exist, 
			before they're allowed to be free?
WDG3rd:  If they "must" exist until they're "allowed",
			they'll never be free.
Received on Fri Jan 30 1998 - 01:39:19 GMT

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