toner cleaning

From: Joe <>
Date: Fri Jan 30 17:38:09 1998

At 02:05 PM 1/30/98 -0600, you wrote:
>>Anyone here ever study
>>moon shining? Fasinating subject (except to Sam of course).
>Shore! And I can even tie these threads together in a relevant fashion.
>At a regular auction I'd once visit, I could pick up computer and
>video equipment for a song, and once I got a handmade, Prohibition-era
>copper still for $50, and met the guy whose grandfather made it. :-)
>- John

   Are you still using it? :-) Wanna sell it? or trade it for an old
computer? (just to keep it relevent to this list.)

Received on Fri Jan 30 1998 - 17:38:09 GMT

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