Thanks to the noble efforts of John Hickenbotham, my computer/internet
history timeline is now converted to HTML and I've put it up on my web
site. I'd really appreciate your criticisms, corrections and suggestions.
Gotta warn you, though, it's a pretty big file so you prolly shouldn't try
to access it with those 1200 baud modems. It's also big in dimension -
you'll need a 20" monitor to view the whole table without side-scrolling.
Before y'all get too harsh with your crits, please bear in mind that it's a
first draft. I've got more info to fill in, formatting to diddle with, and
text to rewrite and edit.
The WebSite. The Domain. The Empire.
The MonkeyPool
WebSite Content Development
Dreadlocks on white boys give me the willies.
Received on Wed Jul 01 1998 - 22:49:45 BST